Japanese Haiku combines form, content, and language in a meaningful, yet compact form.
This workshop we will concentrate on the most common form which uses three short lines.
The first line should contains five (5) syllables,
the second line seven (7) syllables,
the third line contains five (5) syllables.
Traditional themes include nature, feelings, or experiences.
Simple words and grammar are usually employed.
Haiku doesn't usually rhyme..
A Haiku must "paint" a mental image in the reader's mind.
The goal is to capture a thought, or describe a feeling, or detail a moment- in time.
This is the challenge of Haiku - to convey the imagery or idea
in ONLY 17 syllables within three (3) lines of poetry!
Please keep topics in line with the theme- of "Spring"
Sample Workshop Selections will be posted here .
Warming Sun
lowtekman5: The sun is so warm
lowtekman5: where have you been, my old friend ?
lowtekman5: It's been a long time
Colorful Birds
DreamsbyDay: Colorful birds flit
DreamsbyDay: between trees, chasing sun beams,
DreamsbyDay: chirping springs first songs
Bright Morning
SLOHANDCOWPOKE: The Wind is blowing
SLOHANDCOWPOKE: Leaves falling in disarray
SLOHANDCOWPOKE: I hid the rake where?
Poetspoint360: Late spring, flowers bloom
Poetspoint360: Save one, who's petals are slow
Poetspoint360: Slow blooms are better
The Drill
Ima Poet Too: When spring blooms again
Ima Poet Too: and pollen is in the air
Ima Poet Too: I grab my hanky
Bird Song
MitchtheHawk: The singing's lovely
MitchtheHawk: Birds chatting up summer sun
MitchtheHawk: Makes nicefor romance
1 comment:
I'd like to say good job to everyone.
flowers are blooming
the birdies are singing out loud
signs that spring is here
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